
XP600 (CMYK Ink) / DX5 Ink Dampers for DTF & Solvent Inks

Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $7.99.

  1. Printer ink damper is for prevent your Epson XP600 / DX5 printer print head from being clogged, you should replace these dampers every six months
  2. These dampers work for water and solvent base inkjet printers.
  3. Damper compatible for the following models: XP600 Print Head DTF, DTG, Eco Solvent Chinese Printers

For Epson Stylus Pro 7450/9450/7880/9880/7400/9400/4880/4800/4450/4400/4000 printer

25 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: Xp600-damper-cmyk Categories: ,
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