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My AR/VR Project

Hey guys, I’m working on some new fun stuff with Augmented Reality. It’s coming real soon, stay tuned…….!

PuFFDaDDYDNd aka TechGeek99

PuFFDaDDYDNd aka TechGeek99

Digital Architect, Web DeV, Gamer, Developer, Trucker, Daddy, 3D Printer, and Nice Guy


Bachelors of Science IT (Software Systems Specialization) 2013. Self taught in web design, with over 10 years experience, including college.

I am proficient in WordPress, and can build with cross platform always in mind. I build with Divi by Elegant Themes, and can provide it for clients who want it. No job is insurmountable for PuFFDaDDYDNd.

Self taught Android OS developer. I have worked with many android device firmware on both rooted and proprietary devices with over 5 years experience. I am proficient with Arduino Micro controllers and have experience in the 3D printing field as a strong hobby.

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